Popularization videos in which I worked:

Bow shock
Javier Díez, Fernando Ballesteros, Luisa Valdivielso, Emilio Oviedo, Tono Balaguer, Joan Cerveró, Xavi Mulet, Vicent Sabater, Vicente Ibáñez, Fran Pérez, Victoria Cano. |
Scientific fiction short film
Winner of the “Best Depiction of Science and Technology” category in Sci-On 2016, Reno (Nevada, USA).
Category: Co-screenwriter
Production year: 2016
Duration: 00:16:22 Scientific fiction short film about the first contact with an alien spaceship, detected by an astronomical survey as a bow shock in the Oort cloud. The video is also a presentation of the astronomical survey JPAS. |

Let there be mass
Javier Díez, Tono Balaguer, Guillermo Pérez, Xavi Mulet, Miguel A. Ayuso, Panxo Barrera, Albert Martínez, Sonia Fernández, Vicent J. Martínez, Fernando J. Ballesteros, Amelia Ortiz, Carlos Peña. |
Winner of the CPAN 2013 video contest
Category: Co-screenwriter
Production year: 2013
Duration: 00:06:17 Documentary produced by the science popularization channel Conec and co-produced by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, winner of the CPAN 2013 video contest. The video explains the significance of the discovery of the Higgs boson. The four fundamental forces of nature are introduced and the concept of field is explained in order to understand the interactions of these forces and the importance of their mediating particles. |

Are there black holes?
Javier Díez, Tono Balaguer, Joan Claramunt, Xavi Mulet, Panxo Barrera, Fran Pérez, Albert Martínez, Vicent J. Martínez, Fernando J. Ballesteros. |
From the video series “The Universe in a minute”
Category: Screenwriter
Production year: 2013
Duration: 00:01:25 Documentary produced by the science popularization channel Conec and co-produced by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, from the video series “The Universe in a minute”. The video explains what is a black hole, how they form and how abundant they are. |

Is the Universe infinite?
Javier Díez, Tono Balaguer, Joan Claramunt, Xavi Mulet, Panxo Barrera, Albert Martínez, Vicent J. Martínez, Fernando J. Ballesteros. |
From the video series “The Universe in a minute”
Category: Screenwriter
Production year: 2013
Duration: 00:01:24 Documentary produced by the science popularization channel Conec and co-produced by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, from the video series “The Universe in a minute”. The video explains what is the cosmic horizon and which is the actual size of the Universe. |

Is there life on other planets?
Javier Díez, Tono Balaguer, Joan Claramunt, Xavi Mulet, Panxo Barrera, Albert Martínez, Vicent J. Martínez, Fernando J. Ballesteros. |
From the video series “The Universe in a minute”
Category: Screenwriter
Production year: 2013
Duration: 00:01:24 Documentary produced by the science popularization channel Conec and co-produced by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, from the video series “The Universe in a minute”. The video estimates the possibility of life on other planets and if it can be complex. |

Eclipses and Transits
Vicent Martinez, Fernando Ballesteros, Rachid Chato, Pablo de la Cruz, Juan José Rovira, Teresa Gallego, Sofía Fuentes, Alberto Fernandez, Amelia Ortiz, Miquel Gómez, Luis Ginés, Marianna Lanzara, Guadalupe Almodovar, Javier Diez. |
First prize in Ciencia en Acción 2007
Category: Coautor
Production year: 2004 – 2005
Duration: 00:29:53 Documentary produced by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, winner of the First Prize Ex Aequo in the 2007 edition of the popular science event “Ciencia en Acción”. It consists of two parts: In the first part we will see the transit of Venus across the Sun in 2004, as well as an interesting explanation of the phenomenon, its historical scientific importance to determine distances in the solar system and the history of our observatory. In the second part, we will see the 2005 annular solar eclipse and a didactic explanation of its cause, how to observe the Sun safely and the historical importance of eclipses in the confirmation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. |
TV Interviews:

Órbita Laika |
Interview about communication with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Data: 18/03/2019
Channel: La 2 de RTVE
Duration: 00:05:22 Program dedicated to extraterrestrial life in La 2’s “Órbita Laika”, interviewing Fernando Ballesteros for his knowledge about the SETI program. |

La Aventura del Saber |
Interview on the occasion of the book “10.000 años mirando estrellas”
Data: 09/03/2011
Channel: La 2 de RTVE
Duration: 00:55:18 (from minute 27) Interview with Fernando Ballesteros and Bartolo Luque in La 2’s program “La Aventura del Saber” on the occasion of the publication of the book “10.000 años mirando estrellas”. |

Tres14 |
Interview on the occasion of the book “Gramáticas Extraterrestres”
Data: 02/03/2008
Channel: La 2 de RTVE
Duration: 00:25:00 (from minute 6)Program dedicated to extraterrestrial life in La 2’s “Tres14”, interviewing Fernando Ballesteros on the occasion of the publication of the book “Gramáticas Extraterrestres”. |
Other videointerviews:

You-tub d’assaig |
Interview about the book “Las mujeres de la Luna”
Data: 25/04/2017
Channel: Metode TV
Duration: 00:03:34 Interview to Fernando Ballesteros on the occasion of the publication of the book “Las mujeres de la Luna”. |

Early Universe |
How to talk with an ALIEN
Data: 17/06/2018
Channel: Early Universe
Duration: 00:14:36 Interview to Fernando Ballesteros about the systems to communicate with alien civilizations. |