Title:The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors Author(s): S Bonoli et al. Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics. Year: 2021 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202038841 |
Title:The 2017 May 20th stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ32 Author(s): P Santos-Sanz et al. Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Advance Access, staa3881. Year: 2021 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3881 |
Title:To the Sun and beyond Author(s): Bartolo Luque, Fernando J. Ballesteros. Journal: Nature Physics 15. Page: 1302. Year: 2019 DOI: 10.1038/s41567-019-0685-3 |
Title:Nature of a shell of young stars in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud Author(s): David Martínez-Delgado et al. Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 631, A98. Pages: L1-L16. Year: 2019 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201936021 |
Title:Diving into Exoplanets: Are Water Seas the Most Common? Author(s): Ballesteros, F. J., Fernández-Soto, A., Martínez, V. J.; Journal: Astrobiology, 21 Feb 2019. Pages: L1-L13. Year: 2019 DOI: 10.1089/ast.2017.1720 |
Title: On the thermodynamic origin of metabolic scaling Author(s): Ballesteros, F. J. et al.; Journal: Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 1448. Pages: L1-L10. Year: 2018 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19853-6 |
Title: KIC 8462852: Will the Trojans return in 2021? Author(s): Ballesteros, F. J. et al.; Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 473. Issue: 1. Pages: L21–L25. Year: 2018 DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/slx105 |
Title: A Ks-band-selected catalogue of objects in the ALHAMBRA survey Author(s): L. Nieves-Seoane et al.; Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume: 464. Issue: 4. Pages: 4331-4348. Year: 2017 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2431 |
Title: Walking on exoplanets: Is Star Wars right? Author(s): Ballesteros, F. J.; Luque, B.; Journal: Astrobiology. Volume: 16. Issue: 5. Pages: 1-3. Year: 2016 DOI: 10.1089/ast.2016.1475 |
Title: Quasiperiodic Graphs: Structural Design, Scaling and Entropic Properties Author(s): Luque, B.; Ballesteros, F. J.; Nunez, A. M.; et al. Journal: Journal of Nonlinear Science. Volume: 23. Issue: 2. Pages: 335-342. Year: 2013 DOI: 10.1007/s00332-012-9153-2 |
Title: Analytical properties of horizontal visibility graphs in the Feigenbaum scenario Author(s): Luque, Bartolo; Lacasa, Lucas; Ballesteros, Fernando J.; et al. Journal: Chaos. Volume: 22. Issue: 1. Year: 2012 DOI: 10.1063/1.3676686 |
Title: New insights into black bodies Author(s): Ballesteros, F. J. Journal: Epl. Volume: 97. Issue: 3. Year: 2012 DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/34008 |
Title:El lenguaje científico, la divulgación de la ciencia y el riesgo de las pseudociencias Author(s): Llácer, E.; Ballesteros, FJ Journal: Quaderns de Filologia – Estudis Lingüistics. Volume: 17. Pages: 51-67. Year: 2012 |
Title: Feigenbaum Graphs: A Complex Network Perspective of Chaos Author(s): Luque, Bartolo; Lacasa, Lucas; Ballesteros, Fernando J.; et al. Journal: Plos One. Volume: 6. Issue: 9. Year: 2011 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022411 |
Title: Horizontal visibility graphs: Exact results for random time series Author(s): Luque, B.; Lacasa, L.; Ballesteros, F.; et al. Journal: Physical Review E. Volume: 80. Issue: 4. Year: 2009 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.046103 |
Title:Incongruencias o descuidos científicos. ¿Un recurso literario en la ciencia ficción o en la literatura fantástica? Author(s): Llácer, E.; Ballesteros, FJ Journal: Quaderns de Filologia – Estudis Literaris. Volume: 14. Pages: 257-274. Year: 2009 |
Title: Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations along the line of sight with photometric redshifts: the PAU survey Author(s): Benitez, N.; Gaztanaga, E.; Miquel, R.; et al. Journal: Astrophysical Journal. Volume: 691. Issue: 1. Pages: 241-260. Year: 2009 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/691/1/241 |
Title: From time series to complex networks: The visibility graph Author(s): Lacasa, Lucas; Luque, Bartolo; Ballesteros, Fernando; et al. Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Volume: 105. Issue: 13. Pages: 4972-4975. Year: 2008 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0709247105 |
Title: NGC 1600: Cluster or field elliptical? Author(s): Smith, Rodney M.; Martinez, Vicent J.; Fernandez-Soto, Alberto; et al. Journal: Astrophysical Journal. Volume: 679. Issue: 1. Pages: 420-427. Year: 2008 DOI: 10.1086/587454 |
Title: Order-disorder phase transition in random-walk networks Author(s): Ballesteros, FJ; Luque, B Journal: Physical Review E. Volume: 71. Issue: 3. Year: 2005 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.031104 |
Title: Variances as order parameter and complexity measure for random Boolean networks Author(s): Luque, B; Ballesteros, FJ; Fernandez, M Journal: Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and General. Volume: 38. Issue: 5. Pages: 1031-1038. Year: 2005 DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/38/5/005 |
Title: Random walk networks Author(s): Luque, B; Ballesteros, FJ Journal: Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. Volume: 342. Issue: 1-2. Pages: 207-213. Year: 2004 DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2004.04.080 |
Title: Random Boolean networks response to external periodic signals Author(s): Ballesteros, FJ; Luque, B Journal: Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. Volume: 313. Issue: 3-4. Pages: 289-300. Year: 2002 DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(02)01002-6 |
Title: Self-organized critical random Boolean networks Author(s): Luque, B; Ballesteros, FJ; Muro, EM Journal: Physical Review E. Volume: 63. Issue: 5. Year: 2001 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.051913 |
Title: Speeding up image reconstruction methods in coded mask gamma cameras using neural networks: Application to the EM algorithm Author(s): Ballesteros, FJ; Muro, EM; Luque, B Journal: Experimental Astronomy. Volume: 11. Issue: 3. Pages: 207-222. Year: 2001 |
Title:The EM algorithm for imaging with gaps in the detector plane Author(s): Ballesteros, FJ Journal: Astrophysics and Space Science. Volume: 276. Issue: 1. Pages: 291-298. Year: 2001 DOI: 10.1023/A:1011662802124 |
Title: LEGRI operations. Detectors and detector stability Author(s): Reglero, V; Ballesteros, FJ; Blay, P; et al. Journal: Astrophysics and Space Science. Volume: 276. Issue: 1. Pages: 239-253. Year: 2001 DOI: 10.1023/A:1011694215328 |
Title: Background in low Earth orbits measured by LEGRI telescope – short and long term variability Author(s): Sanchez, F; Ballesteros, F; Robert, A; et al. Journal: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. Volume: 155. Issue: 1-2. Pages: 160-168. Year: 1999 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(99)00403-6 |
Title: The EM imaging reconstruction method in gamma-ray astronomy Author(s): Ballesteros, FJ; Sanchez, F; Reglero, V Journal: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. Volume: 145. Pages: 469-481. Year: 1998 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(98)00513-8 |
Title: Monte Carlo study of an imager for low-energy gamma-ray astronomy: Optimization of the design and evaluation of the scientific performances Author(s): Sanchez, F; Ballesteros, FJ; Reglero, V Journal: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. Volume: 122. Issue: 2. Pages: 283-292. Year: 1997 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(96)00726-4 |
Title: Low energy gamma ray imager (LEGRI) Author(s): Ballesteros, F; Bernabeu, G; Gimenez, A; et al. Journal: Imaging in High Energy Astronomy. Pages: 183-187. Year: 1995 |
Title: Sensitivity and efficiency of the integral imager Author(s): Sanchez, F; Ballesteros, FJ; Reglero, V; et al. Journal: Imaging in High Energy Astronomy. Pages: 271-275. Year: 1995 |