La Safor, La Vall d’Albaida i l’Alt Túria Valencià

La Universitat de València i els seus entorns comarcals:
La Safor, La Vall d’Albaida i l’Alt Túria Valencià
Several authors
Publicacions Universitat de València
1st edition: 2016
Format: Boards, 21,5 x 30,5 cm
304 pages
ISBN: 978-84-9133-005-9
Language: Valencian

Catalogue of exhibits for the La Safor, La Vall d’Albaida and Alt Turia regions, made by the Department for Participation and Territorial Projection. With the participation of more than one hundred teachers from the University of Valencia along with specialists from the region, the aim of this choral work is to disclose the historical and cultural wealth and natural values of these territories. The project shows the geographical (orography, soils, hydrography, rainfall, demographics, traditional irrigation), historical, philological (onomastics), artistic (stately architecture, urban art, photographic representation), economic (industry, tourism), ecological (birds, flora, hiking) and social features of these regions together with the relationship of the University of Valencia with these territories.